Alright, the new page is up. I'm not too happy about how it turned out, but when I drew it, I was still figuring out how to best lay out each page and get a consistent look. It seems to be getting better, though I'm still mostly relying on my hand drawn sketches. I haven't quite gotten to moving over to digital. It's just easier to pick up a pencil and work out the sketch by hand. The art of the two kids running are far more detailed than the background, but I scaled them down just a bit too much. I'll post the originals tonight so you can get a sense of how they were drawn originally.
Not bad! Only suggestion is to tweak the title font, it's kinda cramped.
Posted by: Waterbaby | 04/19/2010 at 03:35 PM
[this is good] My drawings look like stick figures so it looks great to me! ;-)
Posted by: SerenityLife | 04/19/2010 at 10:00 PM
Ha, thanks, WB. I haven't even touched the default settings of the WordPress layout yet. I'm just spending most of my free time working on the art. I suppose I'll get around to building a decent design. I have a couple of ideas I've come up with.
Posted by: Zen Ken | 04/20/2010 at 12:07 PM
Posted by: Zen Ken | 04/20/2010 at 12:08 PM