I haven't gotten around to my New Year's Resolution yet; it's just too busy. But I can't help but think about the Saturday shooting of Congresswoman Giffords. In particular, I'm not Left, Right, Republican or Democrat. What I am now is Anti-Mass Media.
As soon as this has happened, all I've been reading and seeing are the air sirens of bullshit flying from both sides (whatever friggin sides they are) and especially from people who are watching from the sidelines and just hop onto the nearest wagon to play their own little compressed airhorn of outrage.
I am not outraged. I am not paralyzed by hate and fear. I feel for the Congresswoman and the people shot.
1. I do not blame anyone but the person involved (there aren't enough facts to support any theories so far).
2. I do not blame gun laws or Second Amendment.
3. I do not demonize people for using 'gun related rhetoric' or any sort of malicious propaganda that's been used for centuries.
Who I do blame is everyone who makes a grandstand out of tragedy. It's not inspiring rhetoric that will drive iron will into stunned people (as FDR did on the attack of Pearl Harbor). It's not even rhetoric. It's divisive monkey shit slinging and I'm just sick of it.
Let's face it for what it really is: a singular violent act against our elected government. It's not a case of revolution. It maybe considered terrorist if you apply the definition of terrorist to an individual. Certainly you can apply it if the means used cause the government to react accordingly.
There are some real tragedies here. I hope Congresswoman Giffords recovers, and if capable, I hope she shows some iron resolve and continues her elected duty. If she chooses not to continue, she has her reasons. We should respect that, and no one should fear for protecting themselves or reacting positively in the face of fear. Policemen, firefighters and servicemen do this every day.
What is the real response we should have? Should we have more gun laws? Should we troll the internet looking for these kinds of people? Should we increase security around our elected officials (putting another layer between them and you, the people)? Should be give our government more control into our lives? I don't know.
Let's accept it for the tragedy for what it is and see that the judicial system execute due process. We should decide for ourselves what the REASONABLE and RATIONAL thing to do in the face of IRRATIONALITY and stop listening to the newscasts. News outlets are NOT in your interest. Cable news needs ratings for money. Internet news sites need site hits to justify ad revenue.
We need to be aware of what is happening around us and use our own mental faculties to weigh the situation. Let's be serious about the situation and not try to paint it into something it is not.
I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately (and it pains me to say this as a graduate of journalism who embraces and models the old-school journalism ethics, fairness and objectivity), the state-run media has skewed so far left that, with a few exceptions, the news is throwaway crap. And exacerbated by the Internet and fast-food communications enabling every Tom, Dick and Harry to pipe in. There's a reason I lie low or stay off the grid entirely: People are stupid! And the media leads that parade!
Posted by: Allycatadventures.wordpress.com | 01/11/2011 at 03:52 PM